Stable Björkkärr is located in Lohja Vähäteutari countryside. We offer in our homestead stable services for foals to competing horses. In our stable, horses feed, oat and hay, as well as straws to the boxes,comes from our own fields and hay from our own fields. Winter-time paddocks are well based sand and resist water well. During summertime we have the own paddocks which offers the best growth factors to foals. Because of the large paddocks and very good training possibilities, foals are building muscles, balance and strength already in early age. We are Our stable has 24 big boxes, fenced riding field with lights and fences. Fenced circle for Lungeeing, Solarium for horses, laundry machine and nice lounge for the riders.
Modern camera-guided field shelter has sections for foals from 1 to 2 years old and for breeding mares. In our stable there is 4 foaling boxes with camera guidance. We offer hay feeding four times per day and complete feed three times per day. There is manege nearby, about 7 minutes walking distance) which is in use for extra payment. We offer also riding services for young horses by showjumping rider, Janina Kvarnström. We are grooming the horses and doing the stable work mostly by ousrselves but during our vacations there is professional permanent employee.