
PUHELIN:         +358505220623 Riikka

PUHELIN:         +358505613199 Tom

SÄHKÖPOSTI:         kvarnstrom@gmail.com

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Tomppa and Riikka

Tomppa and Riikka


Riikka Kvarnström and her husband Tom Kvarnström have been responsible from Björkkärr – ranch over 20 years. Riikka and Tomppa are taking care of horses and stable work as well as foaling services mostly by themselves. During couple´s vacation there will be a professional worker doing the work. Ranch is self-contained with the hays, oats and straws, which Riikka and Tomppa are also responsible of, besides with stable work.



Janina Kvarnström has been riding for whole life. She has been training in national team level since pony years. Janina is training and competing the young horses and also coaching the riders in every level.